To Travel Or Not To Travel

By now, we’ve all realized Covid’s here to stay. So, the question hangs in the air: Do we risk traveling during the pandemic? We all need to make the best choice for ourselves & our family. I’m one that believes you adapt to each situation as it comes. I also believe I can live my new normal while continuing to live my life as I once did; however, I also believe in taking extra precautions for both my health as well as for those around me. For the extra cautious, there are incredible road trips to be taken. For those ready to reach out a little further, there are plenty of places stateside waiting to be seen &, for the more adventurous, Mexico is currently open & ready to see our happy, masked faces come visit. What can you expect when you’re ready to venture out? We’ve slowly escaped our cities to give you a glimpse of what it looks like out there. 

Before beginning any trip, we highly recommend you check both the city & county regulations to find out what’s currently allowed in the area. We also recommend you contact the hotel directly to find out what amenities are currently available at their hotel as far as food, pool, etc. as well as in the surrounding area. We definitely don’t suggest you just pop up anywhere unless you have absolutely no expectations. Also, be sure to keep in mind that all regulations can change from moment to moment. 

Finally, if you’re planning to hit a national park or a place requiring tickets, we suggest you check ahead to make sure tours are running & if you can, purchase tickets ahead of time. For example, I’ve been trying to get to Horseshoe Bend in Arizona for months, but the Navajo Nation has been on lockdown & they’re the only ones allowed to give tours. So, Horseshoe Bend may be open to see, but if you want to do any wandering, you’ll want to make sure the Navajo Nation is ready & open to accepting visitors.


You can never go wrong with a good, solid roadtrip. For one, be prepared to see far less traffic than the old days. A huge positive for all of us. The obstacles are your restroom breaks & food stops along the way. You may want to pack extra food & Kleenex just in case. Some places will only accept credit or debit cards, so be prepared with your plastic in hand. We’ve found most gas stations are open as they seem to be considered essential businesses no matter where you go, but some have closed their restrooms to the public. Not every hotel has reopened, so again, be sure to do your homework so you don’t get stuck sleeping in your car. Surprisingly, not all restaurant websites nor is yelp always current. In fact, we’re finding Instagram is updated by restaurant owners often & have found it to be more reliable than any other source. Also, be prepared for temperature checks upon entering any establishment. Many counties have asked establishments such as restaurants & hotels to perform a temperature check on patrons prior to entering.


New research has shown the likelihood of catching Covid-19 on an airplane to be slimmer than slim. Before you even get your boarding pass, you can expect to acknowledge & accept you’re not only healthy & have no known exposure, but that you’re prepared to wear a mask from the moment you check-in until the moment you exit the airport approximately 5 times. As recent news reports have told us, the airlines mean business. From the point of check-in, each passenger is checked for compliance several times over. If you’re unable to commit to wearing a mask due to medical reasons, they’re asking you to stay home. 

Each aircraft is cleaned between each segment. In fact, the planes are cleaner than they’ve ever been. A few airlines are even giving each passenger an additional sanitizing wipe as they board to use on your hands or to go over those high touch areas on your own. On board, every passenger & crew member are required to wear masks unless eating or drinking & the rules are being enforced. Some airlines are still leaving the middle seat empty. As always, we have options & can choose the option that suits our personal needs. 

No matter what you decide, we recommend you always pack yourself extra antibacterial gel & masks &, when in doubt, always choose the route that’s safer & best for you. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to message us or write us using the comments section below.

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