Time To Discover Your Passion

As we continue to find our “new normal”, the unemployment rate remains high, which continues to leave many of us feeling anxious & uncertain. There is no one that hasn’t been touched by this pandemic. We’ve had to adapt to new routines, social-distancing, self-isolation & masks to the point we’re all pros by now.

In some areas, we see stay-at-home orders relaxing, while in others, they seem to be tightening once again. Either way, we have no choice but to move forward & adapt to this new reality we find ourselves living in. On the brightside, we can finally see light at the end of the tunnel. Vaccines have been created, and for many of us, it’s just about waiting for our turn in line to get vaccinated. It’s been a rough year on all of us, but the world keeps on turning and here we sit. The drumbeat might be different, but it still beats. So, the question is, what do we do next? For many of us, our world’s have been turned completely upside down. Whether it be at home or work, there’s no denying we have all experienced a huge change in our everyday lives. Now’s the time to ask ourselves if we’re happy, and if not, what better time than now to begin to make the changes necessary in our lives to be happier & healthier. If you’re feeling stuck, you’ve spent enough time on lockdown. There is no better time than now to make a switch and discover your passion.


Ideally, if you could choose to pursue your passion, what would that be? What does the pursuit of happiness look like to you? Is it finding a way to keep working at home? Getting your kids back into a classroom? Working with children or finding a more flexible form of employment allowing you to spend more time at home with family? Whatever it might be, figuring out what your ideal situation looks like is key. Once you can see it, you can work toward it. As the old saying goes: when you’re passionate about your work, it’s not work.”


It’s pretty simple: if you don’t know where you’re going, how can you ever get there? Figure out the goal. Set the goal and head in that direction. Gotta start somewhere!


You have your goal. You know where you’re headed, now it’s time to start living it. You can’t get anywhere without forward motion. You have to take steps forward to have forward movement. You have to start talking, breathing and living your passion. By keeping yourself involved and excited about your goal, your desire to move forward will continue. You’ll not only gain momentum, but your positive excitement will get others just as excited. They’re support for your endeavors will go a long way in keeping you motivated and focused on the achieving your dreams.


Keeping the focus isn’t always the easiest. Let’s face it: there are a lot of distractions in this world. Everywhere I look there’s something else to do or something that catches my eye, but when you allow yourself the room to do something you love, when you truly discover what you were meant to do and allow yourself to follow your true passion, whether that be helping others, working for yourself, or just finding a job that allows you to be more social or flexible; whatever it is, once you find it, you’ll be happier with both yourself and in life. We always work harder when we pursue that which we love. Be true to yourself and you will be happier.


As with everything, we get what we give. If we sit around on the couch and do the same thing every day, nothing new will ever happen. If you want change, you have to make it. You have to create it. People create change every single day. It can be done. Yes, it will take time, but right now, so many of us have nothing but time, so why not use this time we have wisely and make change. Take the time to see what your ideal life looks like. Visualize it. Write it down and move toward it. There’s no better time to start than today. You can talk about the dream or you can actually live the dream. Living it is way better than talking about it.

The details of planning can certainly be overwhelming. If you’d like assistance clarifying the details of your plan, or maybe would just like help with a starting point, we’re here for you. Send us a comment or message and we’ll happily help you with ideas in designing the life you’ve always wanted. You have the opportunity to create your life into that which you have only dreamed. You just have to reach out and grab it.

Design and create the life you have always wanted. Live your dream. Yes, even now.

Life is a journey & it throws us curveballs. Covid is a curveball. We can’t control Covid, but we can control our reaction to it. We can adapt. We can be safe. We can make good choices for ourselves & our families. We can continue to live life. Keep masking up. Wash your hands often. Don’t touch your face. Keep a safe distance from others. Whether strangers, friends, or family, if you’re close enough to take in their respiratory droplets, you are way too close. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, would like a sounding board or would like feedback on your blueprint, or have more suggestions, drop us a line or leave a comment. You are not alone. Together, we can help each other. We are stronger, together. Let’s heal together!